Delivery System – for Interflora Members
Key Features
- Round deliveries into post code areas.
- Optimize delivery routes – Calculated on real-time traffic data.
- Print Driver sheets.
- Mark each round as in transit/delivered/Carded (with 1 click!!)
- Travel distance and duration.
- View map of each address.
Dorothy Marchant Florists
“On a day to day basis, this app saves us over £100 a month. We no longer miss orders that havent been printed, we no longer need to spend 30 mins a day writing down all the deliveries and customer information or trying to manually arrange the deliveries into a delivery route.
At peak times the app becomes invaluable, being able to sort them into each postcode round and automatically optimise the best delivery route, along with ticking them off…. at the click of a button, instead of searching through rose matching the order ID’s etc”
Clare Paine – Manager

£30 + VAT / Month
£250 + VAT / Year (Save £110)